Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Jail ministry of the Church of God.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Bro Jet,

Greetings in Jesus Name

Ipinagdiwang ang 3rd Anniversary ng Church of God, Richmond,Canada noong Agosto 12, 2007. Salamat as Panginoon sa Kanyang pagtulong at as lahat ng Kapatiran na patuloy na sumusuporta as pamamagitan ng kanilang maningas napanalangin at sa iba na tumulong as iba't iba namang kaparaanan. Na nagbigay daan para as matagumpay pagdiriwang Ng Iglesia ng Diyos dito sa Canada.

Guests were invited from the neighbouring cities of Vancouver & Surrey. Invitations were not confined to Filipinos only, but extended to different nationalities as well. God touched their hearts in mysterious ways. As a result we have 6 foreigners who attended the service. Other guests from other religion and various sects church & denominations.

Church service started with devotional songs led by Sis.Malou Solomon who was the presider. The service was held in English for the duration of the service for the benefit of our foreign visitors. Devotional prayer was led by Sis. Bel de Leon and Bible reading on Psalm 23 by Bro.Larry Solomon. Special numbers rendered by Solomon sisters, Sis.Laurice & Sis. Amor titled " I could sing of Your love forever". A stirring personal testimony from Sis. Bel brought misty eyed to the congregation. Last was inspiring song by Sis. Malou Solomon titled " How great thou art". Before the message, As the whole congregation sung "The old rugged cross" the presence of the Holy Spirit was strongly felt that brought tears to our eyes.

The Anniversary message was delivered by Bro.Ding de Leon (yours truly). His text was taken from the theme Matt.22:37-40 " Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind" and Deut.10:12." What do the Lord thy God require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God,to walk in all His ways and to love Him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul".

Before the preaching, the visitors were enlightened about the History of Church of God? What the Church stands for? Her founder & builder. Who are the true members of the Church? The standard of the Church of God. Then comes the preaching of the Word. The preaching was delivered in English for the benefits of the foreign visitors. The Holy Spirit greatly help in giving the utterance ,wisdom and power to the speaker to preach the word with boldness and love for the souls in need. The message is how we can show our love to God? We know how to love our parents,children or friends. But for God, do we really know how to love Him.? Matt. 22:37 Our love will be acceptable if we will love God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength. Anything we love more than God is considered idolatry.Then in Deut.10:12 To love God is to fear Him. Fear means an attitude of deep respect for God & His laws. Walk in all His ways at all times. Walk worthy of the Lord and hate every false way. To love Him, we should love others like ourselves. Love not the world nor the things that are in the world....Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes & the pride of life. To love God is to serve Him lifetime.Trust Him at all times and to live a fruitful & holy life Amen.

At the end of service most of the brethren renew themselves, some humbled themselves to be sanctified. Some of the visitors indicated the desire to come again on the next service. For all the blessings we received. We thank the Lord for His loving kindness, to the brethren who in one way or another pray & help for the success of God's work in this country, to the Christian youth of Canada who did their part in making & designing bookmarks, banner and the new hymnals. Your gesture big & small are greatly appreciated. God bless us all, Amen

In Christ service
Bro.Ding de Leon

(For more pictures visit:
Visit our new web site: THE CHURCH OF GOD IN VIDEO).

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The Testimony of Bro. Charlie Caburian

I thank God for this blessed opportunity that I’m able to spend a Sunday service with Uncle Gregory Tyler. This is the second time I’ve seen him. I thank God for this given opportunity to share my testimony. The year 2004 is over and I know we are to be thankful because we are still breathing in this borrowed life from our great Creator.

Thinking back on the way I spent my life before I met our Lord Jesus is indeed a dark memory. I was once a rebellious child, growing up from a broken home. I became so selfish. Our aunt was the one who brought us up, but we rebelled against her. I once had a religion that was so well known but of course no salvation. Well I’m not being critical but it’s true. I had that religion but my life had gone deep in sin resulting in the murder of my cousin and grandma, wherein I stood as the brain on the commission of crime with conspiracy of my younger brother and a certain friend. Hatred resulted in the murder. I hated my family, especially our Aunt Benny, for she was the real target. October 11, 2000, we left our auntie’s house with the dead bodies of our cousin and grandma. We were yet at large for seven long months and May 10, 2001, I was thrown in jail, for I made a confession. Being in jail I felt so hopeless. No peace. And on July, 2002, I had the opportunity to listen to the real gospel of Christ through the effort of Kuya Jet, whom when I first met I hated; also with the La Trinidad congregation. Like any other person who will hear the real gospel I thought it was really impossible to live a sinless life. But as time went further, I attended Sunday services conducted at La Trinidad District Jail. Attending services and listening to God’s Word was a real help, for I realized how I needed deliverance or freedom from sin.

April 20, 2003, God showed me His mercy and love. The compassion I felt was real. He saved me from a life of sin. Salvation was real and constructive, for my hopeless life was filled with new hope and joy. Our complainant who is at the same time our auntie, who hated and cursed us, was moved by God’s Spirit and miraculously forgave us. A ruined family was reconciled and I thank God for that. A stony heart was made flesh.

In my Christian journey I experienced great falls. I know I’m the one to be blamed for those falls, but I’m thankful for when I met the condition for my salvation God showed me His faithfulness. At this time I’m thankful for knowing the truth will really set you free. It takes the grace of God to have this experience. Praise God, for the gospel I’ve heard is not a fake. Hope for out there in the religious world, salvation is in vain. At this point I ask for prayers for me and my younger brother Adrian to be fully established. Greatest praise and glory is to our almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ.

—Bro. Charlie Caburian, Philippines, Aged 20 _

Testimony of Adrian Caburian

I thank God for this wonderful opportunity that I’m given the chance to testify about the good works and great miracles that God has done in my life. I’m also thankful for this rare opportunity that I am able to spend our Sunday service with the presence of Uncle Greg Tyler. Opening the books of my old life, I would like to start by emphasizing the way I lived my life before. At a young age we were abandoned by our parents and we grew up under the care of our auntie.

Since I was a little boy I was already influenced with bad companies of friends. At my young age I was already indulged with vices. If I am not mistaken I first tasted cigarettes and liquor when I was 11 until I became a servant of it. And when I reached 14, I was so rebellious that it resulted in the death of our cousin and grandmother. When it happened our auntie was really mad that it seemed so impossible for her to offer forgiveness. The case was unsolved for seven months, for we denied the accusations and there was no strong evidence against us. But then my brother broke down and made a confession which resulted in our imprisonment. When I was in jail I thought my life was ruined. I was so hopeless and had so much mental torment. I started looking for ways to ease the pain and I indulged myself by using prohibited drugs. But still the problem was getting worse, that when I went deeper in sin more problems occurred.

The time came that I was able to hear the pure gospel through the patient labor of the La Trinidad congregation, Bro. Jet and Sis. Judith. When the Spirit of God moved I saw how awful and naked I was in the sight of our holy Father. And one quiet night, pondering on the words of God, I humbled myself and sincerely repented and accepted Jesus Christ in my life. Since then I was made a new creature. I was given the power to live a sinless life. Indeed this is the miracle and good works that God has done in my life, that I, a man who had gone deep in sin, was delivered. One great thing that salvation has imparted in my life was the forgiveness of our aunt that on my part was too impossible to happen. This salvation pushed us to plead guilty on our case and that’s why we’re here in Muntiulupa facing the consequences of sin that we had done before with the help of our almighty God. Now I realize that true happiness is not found in the things of this world but only through Jesus Christ. Being free indeed is not measured by being free from this prison house but by being free from the slavery of sin. And now even though I’m here with my brother, we still have that blessed hope, for we know that it will be all worth it when Jesus comes. To God be the glory!

Yours to exalt Him,

Bro. Adrian Caburian, Philippines, Aged 19

(From April 2005 issue of The Way of Truth Magazine)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Report from the Works of God at Palapag, Northern Samar

By: Sis Grace O. Potot

The Saints from Samar Church of God Congregation met their second year anniversary last May 27, 2007. We are thankful to Almighty God many visitors responded the invitation. Seekers for Christ went to the altar of prayer for repentance and sought for Salvation. Others for their temporal needs and problems. 12 souls were saved. Thanks heavenly Father for the success of your works bestowed upon us. The Spirit of God worked with us throughout the services as He sees fit. God really blessed us in a very special way. Saints from barangay Natawo and barangay Paysud also worshipped with us.

Our visiting ministers came from different local Congregation. From Quezon City was Bro. Boyet, our host pastor, his wife S. Rebecca, son J.J and Bro. Danny Sapnu. Bro. Eddie Rodil from Marinduque, Bro. Fer Silot of Bicutan and Sis. Dada Valdivia, our overseer. However, their expected arrival was extended due to emergency operation of Bro. Boyet son, Jayneil for ruptured appendix. God in His intervening power, Jayneil recovered immediately. The God we served is an able God. A living and mighty God. "To Him be the glory great things He has done".
God put in the hearts of Samar believers to have prayer meetings prior to anniversary for the success in their spiritual endeavour, directions and guidance of the Holy Spirit all days of the services.

Comes our program proper. May 25, Friday. 6am - we started with morning devotion led by Sis. Dada. Songs were sang. It was so inspiring and convicting. The message taken from Mat. 6:33. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you". Bro. Boyet, our pastor expounded the text as he is led by the Spirit of God. To seek the kingdom first is to seek Christ Jesus first in our life. Their is no satisfaction without Christ. We must accept Christ first as our God and Savior through salvation and the rest even our material needs will be added unto us.

2:00 pm- Our revival service was at Brngy. Paysud. The song leader was S. Rebecca Faustino. The place we prepared was outside S. Rosarios' place to accommodate the visitors invited. As we started the service rain poured out heavily. God is so good and always He is the Subia family from nearby house offered the place. Thank God for their hospitality.Bro. Boyet spoke on the thought " Ang Alibughang anak". Taken from Luke 15: 11-24. His message was directed to the unsaved. Like the prodigal son in this parable as soon as we came into realization of our spiritual stand before God. Humble yourself before Him. Be sorry for the sins committed and go to the altar of prayer wherever you find God's presence. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness through the blood of the lamb. Christ Jesus the only way. If you feel the need for God now in your life don't hesitate come to the altar. Tomorrow maybe too late.

May 26, Saturday, 6am- Sis. Dada led the prayer. Bro. Danny Sapnu delivered the message. His text was taken from II Cor. 13:5-6, " Examine Thyself." How is our relationship with God. Are we going forward or backward. Progressing or regressing spiritually speaking. Don't look at others. Examine thyself. Are we moving to the pilgrim road to holiness or that awful doom of hell, Even those that have no Christ in their life God is offering that precious gift to everyone that believe. Gift that is free and priceless.

2:00 pm - Our next revival was at Brgy. Natawo. Quite a distant place. Saints enjoyed walking up the mountain. S. Rebecca was the song leader. Bro. Eddie was the preacher. His text was taken from Mat. 6:19-21, "Mga dakilang bagay na hindi nawawala." Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. 7 souls went to the altar. Were so blessed this day. Thank God.
Divine healing service followed. Souls went to the altar for healing. We pray to God and trust someday we will hear their testimony of healing. For we believed by His stripes we are healed. God is an able God.

May 27, Sunday service. 9:00 am= Sis Dada led the prayer. Bro. Eddie Rodil was our Sunday school teacher. The topic was "The Dark Ages." A brief history of the Church was discussed. Saints were brave and bold enough unveiling the truth of the dark ages. Special song was offered by Sis Dada. The song was entitled "Prayer". The angelic voice plus the message of the song was so inspiring. Thank God. After the song Bro. Boyet gave the message, "The Church of God." Taken from Mat. 16:18. Are we a part of the Church of God? This is not church membership. For the family of God are those that were saved from sin. “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." It is now time for us to turn around and look for that old landmark- that old rugged cross in Calvary where His blood was spread as ransomed for all our iniquity. The church of God is the bride of Christ. He bought it with His precious blood. That is how He loved His bride. He gave His all. Are we not willing to give our all for Christ sake? Can we not say all for the cause of Christ? If we chose Him as our bridegroom we ought to love Him with all our heart. It is a two-way process. The bridegroom is coming. Be ready. Make up your mind now for the door might be close. We are now in the last of the last days. God is depending on each one of us. Be saved and be converted. What are we looking for? Christ is all the answer. He is the only way, the truth and the life. 12 souls seek for salvation.

After the service food were served. Everybody felt the joy and contentment showered by God to everyone. The Spirit of God was working with us through the day.

We are so thankful to Almighty God for the prayers and sacrifices offered by our brothers and sisters for the success of the revivals. Had not for their hard labour and efforts put forth in prayers that wouldn’t be that kind of success that we had. Also we are grateful to God for the untiring efforts of our visiting Brothers and Sisters. To one and all thank God for your generous help that made these revivals a success. We look forward in prayers those seeds planted in Gods' Samar Vineyard will grow and bear fruit as we see each other next year anniversary. To our overseer thank you so much. May God reward you the crown of life.

The anniversary ended with a plan to have spiritual study to those who were saved. That was tentatively scheduled after the National Church of God Anniversary at Paniqui, Tarlac.

The following month July 14, Sis. Dada and Bro. Jet Balalla arrived. Saints from Talolora and Paysud attended the Sunday service together with invited guest and visitors. Bro. Jet gave the message taken from Mat. 7:14, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Their is no satisfaction in life without Christ. Only Christ the answer for life’s contentment. For as long as you set your eyes on things of the world their will be no peace and joy in your heart. Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Redirect your path that leads to eternal life.

We had 3 days study. 2 days for Soteriology and one day for the Church f God. 4 Saints attended the full lecture, Bro. Erming Cuyog, Bro. Nilo Monica, Bro. Nick Espinosa and Sis. Virginia Pajantoy. Friday, July 20, we prepared bible study in the town proper. 7 souls attended. Some questions were given enlightenment through the power of the Holy Spirit. Saturday, was another bible study at Natawo. Divine healing service was requested. Many souls seek for healing. Following day Sunday service. Bro. Jet spoke on the parable of the rich merchant. The text was taken from Mat. 13:45. He stressed giving our all to God to be able to enter into Gods' kingdom, that precious pearl the rich merchant was looking. Christ, the pearl of life we need.

Monday, July 22 Bro. Jet Batalla and Sis. Dada left early morning way back home. Thank God for the earnest effort of our dear Bro. Jet and Sis. Dada that God will be glorified in Samar Gods' Vineyard. Now that everyone has gone home and back to their regular routine, it is not a time to relax and take it easy, because we still have an enemy who is determined to draw us back to that horrible pit. We must continue to press on and pray, and be determined to see him defeated. May God help each one of us to do our part that we may hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord.”

Saturday, August 04, 2007