Thursday, August 16, 2007


The Testimony of Bro. Charlie Caburian

I thank God for this blessed opportunity that I’m able to spend a Sunday service with Uncle Gregory Tyler. This is the second time I’ve seen him. I thank God for this given opportunity to share my testimony. The year 2004 is over and I know we are to be thankful because we are still breathing in this borrowed life from our great Creator.

Thinking back on the way I spent my life before I met our Lord Jesus is indeed a dark memory. I was once a rebellious child, growing up from a broken home. I became so selfish. Our aunt was the one who brought us up, but we rebelled against her. I once had a religion that was so well known but of course no salvation. Well I’m not being critical but it’s true. I had that religion but my life had gone deep in sin resulting in the murder of my cousin and grandma, wherein I stood as the brain on the commission of crime with conspiracy of my younger brother and a certain friend. Hatred resulted in the murder. I hated my family, especially our Aunt Benny, for she was the real target. October 11, 2000, we left our auntie’s house with the dead bodies of our cousin and grandma. We were yet at large for seven long months and May 10, 2001, I was thrown in jail, for I made a confession. Being in jail I felt so hopeless. No peace. And on July, 2002, I had the opportunity to listen to the real gospel of Christ through the effort of Kuya Jet, whom when I first met I hated; also with the La Trinidad congregation. Like any other person who will hear the real gospel I thought it was really impossible to live a sinless life. But as time went further, I attended Sunday services conducted at La Trinidad District Jail. Attending services and listening to God’s Word was a real help, for I realized how I needed deliverance or freedom from sin.

April 20, 2003, God showed me His mercy and love. The compassion I felt was real. He saved me from a life of sin. Salvation was real and constructive, for my hopeless life was filled with new hope and joy. Our complainant who is at the same time our auntie, who hated and cursed us, was moved by God’s Spirit and miraculously forgave us. A ruined family was reconciled and I thank God for that. A stony heart was made flesh.

In my Christian journey I experienced great falls. I know I’m the one to be blamed for those falls, but I’m thankful for when I met the condition for my salvation God showed me His faithfulness. At this time I’m thankful for knowing the truth will really set you free. It takes the grace of God to have this experience. Praise God, for the gospel I’ve heard is not a fake. Hope for out there in the religious world, salvation is in vain. At this point I ask for prayers for me and my younger brother Adrian to be fully established. Greatest praise and glory is to our almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ.

—Bro. Charlie Caburian, Philippines, Aged 20 _

Testimony of Adrian Caburian

I thank God for this wonderful opportunity that I’m given the chance to testify about the good works and great miracles that God has done in my life. I’m also thankful for this rare opportunity that I am able to spend our Sunday service with the presence of Uncle Greg Tyler. Opening the books of my old life, I would like to start by emphasizing the way I lived my life before. At a young age we were abandoned by our parents and we grew up under the care of our auntie.

Since I was a little boy I was already influenced with bad companies of friends. At my young age I was already indulged with vices. If I am not mistaken I first tasted cigarettes and liquor when I was 11 until I became a servant of it. And when I reached 14, I was so rebellious that it resulted in the death of our cousin and grandmother. When it happened our auntie was really mad that it seemed so impossible for her to offer forgiveness. The case was unsolved for seven months, for we denied the accusations and there was no strong evidence against us. But then my brother broke down and made a confession which resulted in our imprisonment. When I was in jail I thought my life was ruined. I was so hopeless and had so much mental torment. I started looking for ways to ease the pain and I indulged myself by using prohibited drugs. But still the problem was getting worse, that when I went deeper in sin more problems occurred.

The time came that I was able to hear the pure gospel through the patient labor of the La Trinidad congregation, Bro. Jet and Sis. Judith. When the Spirit of God moved I saw how awful and naked I was in the sight of our holy Father. And one quiet night, pondering on the words of God, I humbled myself and sincerely repented and accepted Jesus Christ in my life. Since then I was made a new creature. I was given the power to live a sinless life. Indeed this is the miracle and good works that God has done in my life, that I, a man who had gone deep in sin, was delivered. One great thing that salvation has imparted in my life was the forgiveness of our aunt that on my part was too impossible to happen. This salvation pushed us to plead guilty on our case and that’s why we’re here in Muntiulupa facing the consequences of sin that we had done before with the help of our almighty God. Now I realize that true happiness is not found in the things of this world but only through Jesus Christ. Being free indeed is not measured by being free from this prison house but by being free from the slavery of sin. And now even though I’m here with my brother, we still have that blessed hope, for we know that it will be all worth it when Jesus comes. To God be the glory!

Yours to exalt Him,

Bro. Adrian Caburian, Philippines, Aged 19

(From April 2005 issue of The Way of Truth Magazine)

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