Thursday, October 12, 2006


I am standing before the great white throne of Almighty God. I hear the condemnation of the great judge of the universe saying, “You are condemned. Get away from my presence, you worker of iniquity, go to the everlasting fire of hell!”

Lord, spare me, spare me for it is not all my fault be ignorant of your will. Lord, forgive me, forgive me, listen to me Lord, for I was not given a chance to learn of thee. Nobody have told me about your love, nobody have told me about salvation, more than anybody else, I accuse my parents, I accuse my parents, I accuse my parents. They have given me everything but not God. They have provided me nourishing food, they have bought me nice dresses, they gave me warm clothing, but they never gave me a Savior. They gave me good education but not the Gospel. They have showered me with precious gifts but have not provided a family alter. They have protected me from harm but they have not thought of the punishment I will spend forever and ever. They never cared about the everlasting torment that will have no end.

They have bought me different kinds of books but not the Bible. They have taken me to the movies but not to the Sunday school. I have heard them cursed and blasphemed but not heard them pray to God. Lord, my Lord, give me a chance once more. I never thought this would happen to me. Have mercy on me, my God have mercy.

Yes, I accuse my parents, I accuse my father! I accuse my mother! I accuse them, I accuse them! They have neglected us their children. They have neglected my spiritual needs. They were busy looking for money but they do not know that the most precious wealth is Jesus. They bought a beautiful house for our family. It was furnished with the most modern furniture. The floor was carpeted. But who were living there? They are all sinners. Yes, we are all sinners! My father usually comes home late in the night groggy with alcohol. My mother was most of the time at the mahjong table. We, their children, tried almost all of the pleasures of this world. But they did not give us real satisfaction. Our parents said that it is just natural for us to enjoy life.

Yes, we have a beautiful house on earth but do not have a mansion in heaven. I wish I had not been born. Was I born to go to hell? Was I born to be punished? NO! NO! I was born to be with God. I was not born to go to hell! I was born to go to heaven! But now my chance is all gone. So, I accuse my parents, I accuse you, my parents before this judgment throne of God, you were never been good parents to me!

I felt someone dragging me…who are you? Get away from me, Satan. Do not take me! Do not take me to go to hell! I see the burning hell…I see the burning hell… do not take me there, Satan… do not take me there! Help! Help! Help! Help me….oh…oh…oh. oh.. I accuse you my parents. I accuse you…I accuse you…you are the cause of all of these.

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