Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The greatest privilege young Filipino can have is to show his love to his country and people. The immortal words of our great hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, still rings in our ears which says, “The youth are the hope of the Fatherland”. From the time these words were spoken up to this time, our Fatherland was never given a ray of hope to prosperity. It is not that I don’t believe in our national hero but that I would like to amend his statement and I say, “The Christian youth are the hope of the Fatherland”. As Christian young people how could we show our love to our people?

There are many ways our people seem to show their love to our country. Many are ready to go to the rescue if their love to our country s being invaded by a foreign enemy. They are ready to die to the last drop of blood to defend the country. This is heroic indeed! But what does it profit the country though she was delivered from the foreign ruler when it is being ruled by a native tyrant? Some would show their love by sharing their technological talents to the progress of the economy. But again what will profit the people though they are full in their stomachs but have empty souls. What if they all have nice dwellings but do not have true love with one another? But we Christians dare to show our love to our people through the spiritual means! Only the Christians can accomplish this. This is the only lasting service we can give to our people. We have to realize that as citizens of this country it is our duty to cherish her and to serve her. But we can only do this if we are real Christians. We are the only ones that could love our people. Sinners who seem to love our country are just plain hypocrisy. They serve just for and self aggrandizement.

How can we show our love to our people as Christians? How could we show our Christian services? We have to start from the grass root. Our people need to know God and His Salvation. We need to testify about the love of Jesus. We shall witness not only in words but in deeds. We can give away tracts and gospels and do visitation evangelism. Our young people who are talented can preach the gospel. Some should teach the Word of God. We need to begin from the small children in community. If we get the children for Christ we can get the nation for God. We need to witness in the schools. Instead of joining demonstrations and rallies, we can organize Christian rallies and evangelistic meetings. We can have many ways to show our Christian service to our people.

In our respective places we have around us hundreds of people who do not know Christ. I challenge to witness to them about the love of God! Spiritual blessings are more precious than gold. These are the riches that do not pass away. These are the treasures that are laid up in heaven: “For what shall it profit our people if they gained the whole world and lost their souls? Our service to our people is not oriented to material gains but to spiritual blessings. There will be a day when this world shall be no more. What our people gained spiritually will last forever.

Dedicate your lives to Christ and our people! This is the way we can love God and our people.

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