Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I thank God for this great opportunity to share my testimony with you. I trust that this will bless everyone. God has been very good to me for He has held me despite of my being unfaithful.

I am your sister in Christ, Sis. Jane Anne Dela Cruz-Barrido, from Quezon City Congregation, Philippines and the only daughter of Sis. Dada Valdivia. I am happily married for 3 years now and blessed by a 1-year-old baby boy.

I have accepted Christ as my Savior during my early age. I felt in my heart that I received salvation and God helped me every step of the way. The peace I had in my heart was really incomparable. Nothing was sweeter than having Jesus in my mind, heart and soul. As a Christian teenager, I never indulged myself in doing worldly acts. I was a picture of a real Christian, got a long hair, long dress, no worldly arrays, which made me noticeable, not in the sense that people will admire me but rather criticize me for being prim-and-proper. It wasn’t easy for me for I was with them everyday. I was tagged as an old-fashioned woman, the lady who wears skirt all the time. I was able to bear all these things for the Lord. I knew I was not the only one experiencing this and this wasn’t even a bit of what Jesus has suffered for my soul. But because the devil has worked overtime on me, my faith fell because I experienced an eros love with the unbeliever. I started to lie in word and in deed. My heart slowly sought the works of the world. I had a haircut and I wore clothes which are not pleasing to God. I also uttered sinful words. My heart was gladdened by the admiration and compliments of the people. I forgot to live with Christ and for Christ. I found myself drifting afar from the Lord. I was living my own way and the peace that once resided in my heart was gone. I tried to search it myself but to no avail. The heaviness of my heart remained in me. My mind was frightened by the thought that Jesus might come while I was still departed from Him. I was afraid to die for I knew I was not going to heaven. My punishment would have been greater because I once accepted Christ but I had forsaken Him for some unworthy reasons. This fear tinkled in my solitude. I even had sleepless nights. Though I knew that the only way to overcome these is to humble myself to God, confess my sins and ask for forgiveness, I was hesitant to do so because I gave more importance to the things which I cannot give up for Christ.

Despite of my being unfaithful to the Lord, He has never left me nor forsaken me. I finished my studies, reached the peak of my career at an early age and we never lack materially. He has blessed me with a loving and responsible husband and a healthy baby boy which I wanted. I have seen the never-ending goodness of the Lord but never did anything enough to repay Him.

On Sunday morning of July 2, 2006, between 9:00 to 10:00 A.M., an amazing experience happened to me while I was cutting the grass in our small lawn. I felt a strange feeling. I was walking back and forth, I could not explain how I feel, it seems like I was sad but quite excited about things I don’t know what. I was restless, anxious and upbraided by my conscience. It was hot but I feel cold. I was strong but I feel tired. I sat down again and continued to cut the grass. After a moment, it seemed to me like I was unconscious. To my amazement, I saw the image of the Lord in my left side (as I am facing the left) while I was cutting the grass. I bowed my head, I could not face Him straightly. He was wearing a vivid, bright white dress, much much whiter than the snow. Nothing in this world could match the brightness of His clothes. His face has no form, it was just shining very brightly. His shape was like a man but a spirit floating in the air. He was close to me but rising a little higher than me. I have heard His voice, it was a soft, heavenly, masculine voice. He spoke to me and told me, “I have given you all the things that your heart desires, what is the reason why you are not coming back to me yet? What if I get one of your loved ones?” After a while, I saw my husband having an accident in his job at the ship. Then I saw my son who is really ill, my mother being confined at the hospital and my grandparents are also ill and weak. After seeing all of them, I regained myself. I have seen this vision like I was watching a television. I was totally awake. I was really frightened and my tears flowed abundantly down my cheeks. They are all very important to me and I don’t want to loose any of them untimely. I went to my room and wept deeply asking for forgiveness. I cried and repented with all my might for hours. After giving up my life to God, I have risen up like a new creature. I received His forgiveness. The peace was overflowing in my heart. The joy was real. I was relieved of heaviness and the Lord left a promise that He won’t take away my loved ones from me. I was unworthy of His love but though, He chose me to see Him.

I have seen His glory. It was real, my brethren. His warning frightened me so much because before He showed Himself to me, my husband actually met an accident at the ship (as he is a seaman). He had a chemical burn on his arm. My son was also having influenza. He was born prematurely. He was really thin and small. My mother on the other hand is suffering from breast cancer and diabetes mellitus for years already. She was working for the Lord at Samar province at that time when she felt an extreme pain due to her breast cancer. I did not know at first what happened to her. But because I gave my life to God again, I am holding on to His promise that I won’t loose my loved ones untimely.

The Lord has planted in my heart a strong burden for the young people. It is my desire to follow God’s will, wherever He may lead, I will follow. May He use me in His vineyard with my little knowledge and ability.

(I give thanks to the Lord for the miracle He did to my life. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.