Tuesday, February 06, 2007


She was our only child. At the age of six years, Mary gave her heart to Jesus. After that memorable gospel service, she hurriedly went home. I was still in our sala when she came. I saw on her face an unspeakable joy which she never had before. Immediately, she embraced me tightly and said, “Ma, I have given my heart to Jesus and He has received me. I know deep in my heart that I am now a child of God. Now, Ma won’t you give your heart to Christ also?”

I replied, “I hope I shall sometimes, my dear. There is still plenty of time for me to do that”.

“But MA, you can do it now!” she urged me with all her childlike earnestness, “you can do what I did in the chapel. I knelt before God and surrendered my sinful life to Him. I confessed my sins and I am sure He had forgiven me, I know it down in my heart.”

Again, I said to Mary, “Don’t worry my child about me, I will tell you when I’ll come to Christ.”

Mary knew my character. She was sure that if ever I make a promise, I carefully fulfill it. So time after time Mary would tell me, “Ma, promise me, accept Jesus now.”

I replied, “I do not like to promise my child, for fear I shall not fulfill.”

Her request was urged to me at times for nearly six years till a serious sickness came to her. I did not know that Mary had to sacrifice her life before I will consent to her pleadings.

Many times during her bed-ridden condition, I told her in the most gentle way, that her sickness is so serous and I am afraid she will go at anytime. But she will answer, “No Ma, I can’t die till you promise me to come to Jesus.” Still I was unwilling to make a promise less I should not keep it.

I told my child, “I intended to give my heart to Jesus sometimes, but not now.”

Mary grew worst and finally had uttered her last words, “Promise me, Ma?” I love my only child and wept bitterly as I stood watching the countenance of my dying child who seemed to say to me, “Ma, promise ma and let me go to Jesus.”

There was a great struggle in my heart, “If I do not promise Mary now, I never can next time.”

The Holy Spirit worked in my heart to yield. I told Mary, “My child, I will give my heart to Jesus.” That was the last bolt to be drawn. My heart was opened and Jesus entered at once in my life and felt the joy and peace of sins forgiven.

The change in me was so marked, I felt constrained to tell the good news to Mary, that she might bear it with her when she will go to live with Jesus. I called her attention once more, “Mary I have given my heart to Jesus and He is my Savior now!”

How patiently was Mary to pray to God for six long years and pleading with me to give my heart to Jesus? As my statement of accepting the Lord came to her listening ears, a peaceful smile lighted up her face, and not being able to speak, Mary raised her little pale hand pointed upward seeming to say, “Ma, we shall meet up there!”

Her life’s work was done! She was able to lead me to Jesus! What a great mission! I should have been the one to lead Mary to God, but she was the one who led me to the Savior.

My heart was filled with peace, though Mary is gone. I felt very anxious that her father should also accept the blessing which I have found in Christ.

As my husband and I went into the room where the remains of Mary to God, but she was the one who led me to the Savior.

My heart was filled with peace, though Mary is gone. I felt very anxious that her father should also accept the blessing which I have found in Christ.

As my husband and I went into the room where the remains of Mary were resting, I said to him, “Husband, I promised our little Mary that I would give my heart to Jesus and I did. Now, won’t you promise also like what I did, to give your life to Christ?”

We felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. He brought conviction to my husband. He took the little cold hand of Mary in his, knelt down and prayed saying, “Jesus I am accepting you as my Savior, forgive me of my sins. I want to go where my child have gone.”

Mary’s remains were laid in the grave. Though our hearts were full of sadness, yet we felt the love of God in our lives, knowing that one day we will be united with our loving child in heaven.

Is there not some loved ones pointing down from heaven and saying to you, “Give your heart to Jesus.” I believe there are. She may be your mother, your father, your brother or sister, or your child, or any of the saints who have gone before. They are all waiting for us on that beautiful shore, where the sunset’s no more.

Mary accomplished a marvelous work, she made me promised to come to Jesus and I did.

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