Thursday, September 07, 2006


"They call me Judith. I was born in a small undeveloped and almost unknown town here in Central Luzon. My family was poor and still materially poor. I'd wish to be rich with the richest of this world. I was ambitious before just like other young people, dreaming to get wealthy and be known. I will get an education and prosper in my profession and to get rich and popular".

"I would like to pause a little and tell about my gratitude to my parents. My father was just a school teacher receiving a very small salary. With that small means my parents were able to put my brother and I to college till we finished our respective courses. They were loving and responsible parents. God used them to make us live and have a simple life. I thank God for father and mother. they were so good to us their children".

As a young lady, it was natural to seek association with the other young people. the natural urge to love and to be loved was in me as I know you all have it in your breast. I got in love with a boy which I thought will give me happiness and be faithful to me until the end, but in vain. It seemed the heaven crushed me to the earth when I learned my boy friend forsook me. I was confused! I did not know that these things happened for my good. I did not know that God was preparing my soul in accepting the most precious thing on this earth. I went for comfort to my Brother who was already a Christian then. I know he had been praying for my salvation. He wanted me to experience the kind of life which Christ alone could give. I received from my brother the best comfort I didn't expect to get. He led me to the Lord for salvation.When I accepted Christ as my personal Savior, all my sorrows were gone.I felt power coming in my poor soul. I began to have a new life. I began to love God the way I had never experienced before. I was made a new creature in Christ; all things have passed away and behold all things are become new, but all things are for God. I began to worship with the saints which I had criticized before. I learned much in the Sunday school about the love of God. I bought me a Bible of my own. Consequently, I grew in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Time went on when I learned about the need of entire sanctification. God helped me to be obedient to the truth. I drunk all the Truth I could get to quench my thirsty soul. I learned that God wanted me to fully consecrate my all to Him and so I did. I knelt at the altar of prayer and by faith I accepted the blood of Christ that cleanseth from all sin. Perfect love has filled my heart. I can't fool myself; I love my Savior more than anybody else. I felt to love everybody as myself.

God called me in the ministry! What a great privilege! He placed in my heart the deep concern for the young people. Oh! how I love them. They are so precious! They are the hope of the Church. They are the hope of the land. While I was alone in meditation thinking about the love of God in the lives of our Christian youth, each one of them flash in my mind. I thank God for each of them. I see their dedication to the ministry of the gospel. I could see the blessed Holy Spirit working in their lives. Their love for one another prevails. There is harmony among themselves. Their life is a challenge to me. How could I deny these soldiers of the cross ? They need a leader of some sort. Though unworthy of all the mercies of God, I wanted to be one who could encourage my co-young people, God help me.

It was a great privilege to be included with the first batch to be ordained in the ministry of the Church of God in the Philippines. I anticipated how will I feel as I am being ordained . We had a special service for the occasion. The preaching gave a wonderful challenging message to us candidates for ordination. Then came the rite. The Holy Spirit was felt in our midst. I was the third to be ordained. As I knelt on the altar, I renewed my vows to God. I told Him, "Lord here am I send me and make me a blessing all for your glory, I know my life shall touch lives and leave countless marks, may my life help other lives it touched along the way. My life is fully dedicated and consecrated to do Your will".

As the officiating ministers laid their hands on me, I felt instantly the glorious presence of God. I thanked Him for choosing me to be one of His servants to represent Him to this sinful, dying world. "My Lord and my God, I dedicate my life to thee, my body, my soul, my spirit are thine. My abilities, my money, and my all I give to thee. Take them for they are yours. Use them for thine glory. Make me the least of thy servants. May i love as thou has loved. May I live as thou has lived, and may I die as thou has died". AMEN!

(Judith's covenant on September 07, 1984 at 7:30pm . . . I take God to be my Father, I take Jesus Christ to be my Saviour, I take the Holy Spirit to be my Guide, I take the Christian people to be my associates, I take Christian work to be my duty. I likewise dedicate myself to the Lord and this I do freely, sincerely and forever")

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