Sunday, September 03, 2006

THE ONLY GOOD REASON - Charlie Caburian

As I watch the beautiful sunset along the shore,
Different colors greeted my eyes,
Red that reminded me of Christ love,
And black that reminded me of my past.
But still in the blending of those colors,
Appeared a picture of God's beautiful creation,
Ah, it's really true!
God's beautiful creation is beyond description.
That every moment, deeper appreciation was revealed,
That life's not worth living without darkness,
Because in the presence of darkness,
We start to look for the precious light.
The light appeared to many but still
I ask myself why,
Why do some prefer to stay in the dark side?
Why some blatantly deny the light that shines within?
If they only knew that being in the light,
Is an unspeakable event and experience,
That not a word would fulfill the right explanation,
Of happiness, peace, freedom are not enough.
But there's one thing I know for sure,
With the precious blood of Jesus Christ,
He purchased men from the slavery of iniquities,
And the only good reason is ... He loves you and me.

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