Tuesday, September 05, 2006


My fellow Christians Young People and Friends,
There are two kinds of life seen in people while they consume their time in this present world. Firstly, a kind of life without directions and goal. Secondly, a kind of life with purpose and aim, a person has to decide for him. What direction and goal he has to aspire. An aspiration which is purely material, this will end to nothingness. If a man aspires for the spiritual, he has chosen the right purpose in life. His goal is without end. Material aspirations are only of this world. But spiritual goal are everlasting.
My fellow young Christians, you have chosen the right objective in life. Your acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Master means to live for Him all the way. Your life is a new life. You are spontaneously living what is right and you are ready to walk in the light of God's Word. Yes, some of you are still young in the faith. You are committing mistakes and shortcomings, but you do not need to stay in that condition. God wants you to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He has promise young Christians power after the coming of the Holy Spirit to witness for Him in the highways and by ways of life.
My friends where are you going? Are you sure you are on the right way? Do you have goal in life? I challenge you once and for all, to decide for yourselves to spend your remaining days in doing the work of God even the salvation of souls. You have a direction in your life, if you are co-laborer of God in His kingdom. If you are in Christ, and Christ is in you, you are on the right way to your goal which is in heaven. My brethren, what is the use of our life, if we will not live for God? He had created us to give us the privilege to live for Him and in the end, everlasting life.
Many are without directions and goal in life. Young people go college to get an education and have a profession in several fields, their main motivation is earning money. They want to experience the happiness in this world can give. This is their only goal in life. But Christ said, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" A man can only profit from his effort in this world if after his death there is a heaven for him.
The world do not understand us Christians, they say we are fanatics. But the world ling are the more fanatics. They do not have principles as basis in their lives. They are being led by the devil and not by God. We. Christians are not fanatics because we have the Word of God as our ground of our faith and beliefs. There is a God to acknowledge. There is a God to Obey. We are the witnesses of His Grace to our lives. This is the goal of your life and mine.

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