Wednesday, September 06, 2006

O, CHURCH OF GOD - V. T. Luzong

O, Church of God, redeemed by Christ,
You're bought by His atoning blood!
You are most precious in His heart,
Until the end, this heaven's side!
O, Church of God, thou the image
Of His likeness, holiness be,
You should reflect His rare beauty
In your whole life, for His glory.
O, Church of God, Jesus loves you,
Who is righteous, holy and true.
He promised the best to bestow
To you, because He cares you so.
O, Church of God, beautiful and lovely,
Unique art thou from all women,
They are all whores, but virgin thou be,
Modest and pure, and sure for heaven!
O, Church of God, built by God's Son;
Who gave His blood for redemption
For you, ye saints, this was His plan,
So remain faithful to the end.
O, Church of God, prepare yourself
For the Bridegroom's advent in this life!
Shall He meet you waiting for Him
Without blemish in His coming?
(Pastor Victoriano T. Luzong ng Iglesia ng Dios Paniqui, Tarlac. )

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